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Sexual assaults and Suicide cases increased in Kuwait last year 
Forty eight murders took place in Kuwait in 2011, according to official statistics released recently by the Criminal Investigations General Department, which also show a significant increase in suicides last year, reported Kuwait Times citing Al Qabas daily. The statistics showed that nine of the homicide cases in 2011 were ruled as manslaughter, while the remaining 39 were ruled as first or second degree murder. The number of murder cases in Kuwait last year remained similar to the previous year, which saw 49 homicides.

Suicide cases jumped from 52 in 2010 to 73 a year later. These suicides were committed by Kuwaiti, Arab and Asian nationals, most of them were domestic workers according to security sources with knowledge of the statistics, daily reported.

According to the report, Criminal Investigations General Department probed 10 kidnap cases last year, in addition to 15 sexual assault cases which doubled from the year before. Robbery by force increased from 88 in 2011 compared to 75 in 2010. Breaking into homes also increased from 9 in 2010 to 14 the following year, but battery charges dropped from 20 in 2010 to 12 in 2011.

The largest number of crimes recorded last year was alcohol consumption and thefts at 4,283 and 3,193 respectively. 

In a breakdown of crimes per governorate, the statistics show that Farwaniya remained top, with 1,626 despite a drop from the 1,807 recorded in 2010. Hawally came second with 1,583, up from 1237 recorded a year before. Jahra saw a drop in crimes with 1,444 in 2011 while 1,541 were recorded in 2010, whereas Ahmadi Governorate saw a slight increase with 1,195 last year compared to 1,110 the year before. The Capital Governorate saw 1,014 crimes last year compared to 1,046 the year before, while Mubarak Al-Kabeer saw 726 crimes compared to only 342 in 2010.

Decaf coffee helps boost memory function

Drinking decaffeinated coffee could improve an individual's memory, a new study has suggested. According to the researchers of the study, the drink could improve the memory of those suffering from diseases of the brain or age-related forgetfulness, and may even prevent symptoms from appearing in the first place. They tested their theory by giving a dietary supplement with the same properties of decaffeinated coffee to mice with type 2 diabetic mice. The disease lowers glucose levels in the brain, causing impairment in memory and other brain functions. As opposed to a placebo, mice treated with the supplement, for five months showed raised levels of glucose.

      "This is the first evidence showing the potential benefits of decaffeinated coffee preparations for both preventing and treating cognitive decline caused by type 2 diabetes, ageing, and, or neurodegenerative disorders," he Telegraph quoted Giulio Maria Pasinetti, the lead researcher from Mount Sinai School in New York as saying.Coffee is linked to a higher risk of heart disease and stroke, but Pasinetti said these effects were most likely due to the caffeine content in the drink.

Eating citrus fruit may lower stroke risk
A compound in citrus fruits may reduce women's stroke risk, a study has said. The study examines how consuming flavonoid subclasses affects the risk of stroke, Xinhua reported. Flavonoids are a class of compounds present in fruits, vegetables, dark chocolate and red wine.

"Studies have shown higher fruit, vegetable and specifically vitamin C intake is associated with reduced stroke risk," said Aedin Cassidy, lead author and professor of nutrition at the University of East Anglia in Britain. "Flavonoids are thought to provide some of that protection through several mechanisms, including improved blood vessel function and an anti- inflammatory effect."

    The study was published Thursday in Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association. Cassidy and colleagues used 14 years of follow-up data from the Nurse's Health Study, which included 69,622 women who reported their food intake, including details on fruit and vegetable consumption every four years.

   Researchers examined the relationship of the six main subclasses of flavonoids commonly consumed in the US diet -- flavanones, anthocyanins, flavan-3- ols, flavonoid polymers, flavonols and flavones -- with risk of ischemic, hemorrhagic and total stroke. As expected, the researchers didn't find a beneficial association between total flavonoid consumption and stroke risk, as the biological activity of the sub-classes differ.

    However, they found that women who ate high amounts of flavanones in citrus had a 19 percent lower risk of blood clot-related (ischemic) stroke than women who consumed the least amounts. More studies are needed to confirm the association between flavanone consumption and stroke risk, and to gain a better understanding about why the association occurs, the authors said.

Green super foods – the ideal nutrition
"Green foods" refer to a group of foods that include young cereal grasses like barley grass and wheatgrass, as well a blue-green algae known as BGA. They are close cousins to green vegetables, but offer far greater levels of nutrients.
From dietary balance to therapeutic use…
If we look at the conditions helped by our green superfoods, we find that symptoms disappear not because we are treating the disease, but because we are supplying a high-grade nutrient that cleanses and strengthen the body so it can heal itself in the best holistic way possible. 

Some of the reported benefits include:
• Natural detoxification and cleansing
• Immune system builder
• Anti-ageing
• Weight management
• Digestion and bowel function improvement
• Balancing pH
• Cancer prevention
• Cardiovascular health
• Other health benefits
Natural detoxification and cleansing
There is a need to remove toxins from our bodies by building hemoglobin and cleansing the blood stream, bowel and lover. All this, takes place by consuming green foods.

Immune system builder
Poor immunity can lead to a cold or a chronic illness. Or, in extreme cases, it could be cancer or some other fatal disease.

Green superfoods exhibit impressive immune stimulating and boosting properties including:
-Regulating blood sugar and providing important nutrients to the brain
-Stimulate the activity of macrophages and T-cells by increasing the levels of interferon (a natural anti-cancer and anti-viral agent in the body-Aids immunity as it stimulates healing and replacement of cellular tissueenhance the immune system and destroy cancer cells.
Human DNA production slows down as people age due to free radicals. DNA helps our bodies to use nutrients more effectively, get rid of toxins and avoid disease. Chlorella is the highest DNA food.
Antioxidants sop up free radicals that are believed to roam through the bloodstream, wreaking havoc on cells and organs and increasing ageing effects and the risks of cancer.
Weight management
Sluggish digestion is one of the contributing causes of unwanted weight gain.
Hunger is registered in the brain whenever blood glucose reserves are low. Chlorella and spirulina raise the blood glucose and are easily assimilated by the body providing the real food it needs, thus reducing the cravings.Digestion and bowel function improvement
Proper bowel elimination rids the body of the toxins and bacteria which lead to constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, weakened digestion, poor nutrient absorption, and in later life, colon cancer. 
Our green superfoods can do wonders for the bowel. They are‘metabolic activators’, which act on the body tissues to promote increased activity to ‘burn up’ mucous. 
Balancing pH    Due to poor diet or junk food, most of us are not pH balanced and we are too acidic. An environment in the body which is too acidic creates an opportunity for pathogens to survive, reduces the level of oxygen allowing cancer cells to thrive, depletes the minerals from the body’s bones leading to osteoporosis and can create tissue damage in our arteries which can lead to heart disease and stroke.Green superfoods can be used as pH balancing foods. The body uses them to buffer an acidic system.Cancer prevention
      Deterioration of the immune system is one of the causes of cancer. Normal cells become malignant and multiply.
Chlorella and spirulina have remarkable anticancer properties.
Cardiovascular health
     Our green superfoods help the heart to function properly and protect against heart diseases. 
Other health benefits:
- Increase stamina and energy
- Aid stomach ulcers
Eliminate bad breath (halitosis)
- Fight gum diseases
- Help control diabetes
- Lower cholesterol and blood pressure
- Fight arthritis
- Help control blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia)
- Reduce rheumatism
- Sharpen memory
- Heal wounds
- Promote healthy skin, hair and nails
- Help combat anemia
- Help prevent depression
New Vision

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